Google Cloud

History of blockchain – Notable developments

The history of blockchain dates back to the late 1970s when computer scientists first began exploring the concept of a digital ledger system that could be used to record and verify transactions. Over the...

Week 43: The 1st Vietnam Blockchain Summit

What’s hot recently? Welcome to Weekly Wrap up: Oct 17th - 23th, 2022. Your summary of last week’s top news and talking points, curated by s6k Labs.

ACB launches smart virtual assistant – new generation AI BOT

On the morning of October 14, at the Innovation and Digital Transformation Week series of events, ACB officially launched a new generation AI BOT that is applied AI artificial intelligence technology.

Week 41: Governments call for applying blockchain, NFT

What’s hot recently? Welcome to Weekly Wrap up: Oct 3th - 9th, 2022. Your summary of last week’s top news and talking points, curated by s6k Labs.